Slot 8754048

Block Number:
MEV Reward Recipient:
MEV Block Reward:
0.01395 ETH
Proposed Finalized
2024-03-31 08:09:59 +0000 UTC (2024-03-31 08:09:59 +0000 UTC)
Block Root:
State Root:
RANDAO Reveal:
Eth Data:
Deposit Count:
Deposit Root:
Execution Payload:
Block Number:
Fee Recipient:
0.01292 ETH
Gas Used:
Gas Limit:
Excess Blob Gas:
Base fee per gas:
18.87996 GWei
Burned tx fees:
0.23961 ETH
Burned blob fees:
0.02783 ETH
Burned fees(total):
0.26744 ETH
142 (4 Blob Transactions)
2024-03-31 08:09:59 +0000 UTC ()
Block Extra Data
Voting Validators:
Voluntary Exits:
0 attester & 0 proposer slashings
BLS Address Changes:
30439 validators voted 31231 times for this block:
Allocated Slot Committee Included in Block Validators

Showing 128 Attestations

Attestation 0
Committee Index:
Aggregation Bits:
11111111 10111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111101 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111110 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 111111
801567 834518 1194027 778531 196581 334369 437796 683912 362478 529058 991685 1019934 474072 565263 156794 1027786 813507 1032391 574089 341520 495647 732831 770945 160268 653593 521389 117870 958289 1178938 510223 27449 226497 978667 94464 217378 1245767 1179845 322452 713809 1070828 1309985 961134 698538 488065 1232151 322385 632603 1207712 546443 1021024 494234 483082 1262165 935885 1068976 1025955 312038 1187894 331806 808588 1244722 1146599 833653 186199 770473 351459 881131 351742 527232 461432 1012817 934451 17752 1022788 801487 552995 811830 1056784 311953 619561 255625 1275139 232519 233758 1052478 515020 698835 843447 989378 137182 1192174 1022991 803 935764 1283051 629293 159683 482199 562526 1130242 548789 320670 871858 632578 664413 747279 808894 699482 1114749 695557 664068 508436 808380 160565 421733 867953 415293 557322 1222443 1250068 519799 981789 838050 61242 512248 1277329 1003826 905972 763758 971887 32973 829586 1140827 819080 359516 1082178 469497 832576 844600 463285 822212 1227502 834593 462097 1054341 916346 1228794 87751 365876 696443 1072157 149814 195423 1047132 454549 171144 349667 1101632 942392 313798 884905 1147539 621925 44995 518451 620133 803481 414820 452620 989674 482488 373255 1200702 741819 329719 1259968 225256 1203401 532004 871941 253958 1080790 1056496 923711 869185 908284 1019390 1045718 506420 443503 6359 107267 1079564 308854 1125030 186279 1271194 469456 851936 285048 688883 1286567 461022 464593 73 232360 777568 964258 782538 152050 199646 1243337 196148 594259 1142289 1047093 930573 857079 787870 1070238 775001 572013 756102 45234 494303 729180 316414 534689 718012 315816 740197 882297 975105 609449 1114195 668240 1160572 580775 691415 366531 461425 1297104 313055 365814 592980 982686 1148156 1104913 705670 1270035 1267399 105916 688617 1138786 1267984 1086729 460824 1202169 781782 161999 1177247 5788 556588 1078061 1067934 1262787 906084 315379 66203 1111866 432151 761283 350178 1201090 983006 994990 620109 785586 301295 29882 1268305 939733 938418 1307184 1026836 771105 816448 349218 888329 604482 1216374 875083 1159480 501388 1176767 352312 1082918 1278199 650370 532492 426282 330899 671184 573295 690759 1213065 533605 158507 1037125 1180316 463955 195886 57425 723235 873876 1298226 459641 1111842 1069941 1106918 324044 920891 1168255 187697 1312282 793138 1208910 386773 1194947 979579 1264690 220158 1130819 910070 843549 1264550 756320 775460 221336 917455 71716 1189488 977021 858422 224090 1162543 680808 890864 163357 775616 955288 232261 27612 1255716 900273 898323 1160517 395568 1311386 1029292 838827 1241237 693472 50250 232135 1099035 830211 714348 892622 1058750 524180 727298 177127 31327 1007762 810242 1136576 1034006 1251378 990653 1019994 317216 1036822 1182933 747656 615429 1023532 1158145 399754 1251397 1296806 448944 1269520 142700 804528 19026 1134807 119974 668250 717092 1194514 1301045 1192224 14376 558412 1131932 1159060 187324 843444 569897 1316262 1066027 548644 496441 1123397 285960 1221455 335285 839279 663480 353508 1263483 315841 288471 157995 833856 603800 577656 989700 789792 832009 425136 836226 1240580 29326 1094342 774416 679674 338123 1288941 964384 1106419 488790 561129 131338 319124 922030 1173289 1123707 1142195 571751 519260 1204241 176714 384790 584391 691863 16471 1232946 607251 94084 1037998 191327 1069474 792296 298465 884867 350360 371935 1138823 579542 220170 1284213 1295285
Showing 142 Transactions
Tx Hash Method From To Value Tx Fee Gas Price
0xe2543d…0967a0 0x32bfc64d 0x337a8…f4545 0xf8A16…2315e 0 ETH 0.01584 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0xa7c2fa…7a3e90 0x2b66349e jaredfromsubway.eth 0x6b75d…09A80 0.00000 ETH 0.00217 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0xe69bfd…040297 swap madgear.eth 0x11111…42A65 5 ETH 0.00977 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0x439115…6d7c40 0x2b60349e jaredfromsubway.eth 0x6b75d…09A80 0.00000 ETH 0.00343 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0xb2d222…786ca0 reportRemoval 0x48467…eaf20 Proof of Humanity… 0 ETH 0.00203 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0x42a842…70ad26 sellTokenForTokenToUniswapV3 0x34E21…3CF61 0x: Exchange Proxy 0 ETH 0.00543 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0xb81f1b…881245 execute 0xEdE51…A8d64 0x3fC91…b7FAD 0 ETH 0.00451 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0xe69d57…4d7bef 0x988a81d9 0x7E89e…1166f 0x73a8a…e86b1 0 ETH 0.00269 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0x2fdb4c…de31e7 batchTransferErc20 0xcE0d2…fA428 0xd91eF…50747 0 ETH 0.00939 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0xd89047…5a940d swapTokensForExactTokens 0xACBCB…89b2e Uniswap V2: Router 2 0 ETH 0.00417 ETH 0.00000 ETH
Showing 16 Withdrawals
Index Validator Index Recipient Address Amount
Showing 4 Blobs
Index KZG Commitment KZG Proof Blob Versioned Hash
0 0x8a0f…466d 0xa7f5…cde4 0x01f3…b300
1 0x8a0f…466d 0xa7f5…cde4 0x01f3…b300
2 0xb16e…183f 0x88bd…3ec1 0x01e1…6a86
3 0xb16e…183f 0x88bd…3ec1 0x01e1…6a86